
By default, Smart Templates emulates all the permissions and user types you’ve already configured on, including:

  • Board permission
  • Column permission
  • Dashboard permissions
  • Workspace permissions
  • Account permissions

User types

You can configure and select who can use the features of Smart Templates according to their user type.

Users with any of these roles (Admin/Member/Guest) can do almost any operation with Smart Templates. However, a user with the Viewer role has limited, read-only access to Smart Templates. 


User type Limitation
  • Is not allowed to manage saved templates.
  • Only see the Preview option for the templates
  • Is not allowed to save templates
  • Is not allowed to manage saved templates.
  • Only see the Preview option for the templates

Operations Viewer Member Admin Guest
Save template item don't see the button ok ok ok
Save template subitem don't see the button ok ok ok
Save template from context menu (item) can't select an item ok ok ok
Save template from context menu (subitem) can't select a subitem ok ok ok
Save template from context menu (group) No available actions error ok ok ok
Create template (apply) item don't see the button ok ok ok
Create template (apply) subitem don't see the button ok ok ok
Create template (apply) group don't see the button ok ok ok
Edit template don't see the action in the menu ok ok don't see the action in the menu
Duplicate template don't see the action in the menu ok ok don't see the action in the menu
Delete template don't see the action in the menu ok ok don't see the action in the menu
Preview ok don't see the action in the menu don't see the action in the menu ok
Search ok ok ok ok

Board permissions

This is how Smart Templates emulates the board permissions by default:

Board permission Smart Templates
Edit everything on the board

All operations with Smart Templates are available.

Edit the board’s content without changing its structure

Only Preview and Search are available for the Smart Templates.

Only edit items or subitems that users are assigned to Only Preview and Search are available for the Smart Templates.
Write updates on items only Only Preview and Search are available for the Smart Templates.

Board types

Smart Templates is available on all types of boards supported by monday: public, private, and shareable.

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