Map the columns

If the columns in the board don't match the columns in the template, a pop-up will appear, allowing you to remap the columns. This can be useful for cases when you are working with different boards, as they can have a different number and type of configured columns. 

Resolving the conflict between the columns can be solved with mapping. To do this, you need to:

  1. Navigate to the board you want to create/apply a template to.
  2. Click on any item/subitem.
  3. Click the appropriate button near the template you want to create/apply (Create Group/Groups, Create Item/Items, Create Subitem/Subitems, Apply to selected).
  4. Map the columns pop-up will be opened automatically if you have any conflicts.

  1. Template columns are displayed in the left column. Board columns are displayed in the right column.
  2. Matching Board columns will be automatically filled with values from the template.
  3. Board columns will be empty for the columns that do not match. You will need to choose a column from the drop-down list that will be mapped to the column from the template. 
  4. The list displays the columns with the same column type.

  1. Choose the columns for the one’s that are empty.
  2. You cannot select one Board column more than once for several Template columns. 
  3. You can also leave them empty if you don’t find where they can be mapped. In this case, the data from the corresponding column in the template will not be saved. 
  4. Click on the Proceed button.
  5. In the pop-up, there will be a notification that the data from the columns that were left empty on the previous screen will not be saved.

  1. You can return back to the mapping view to make changes if needed.
  2. Otherwise, click Proceed Anyway.
  3. A template will be created/applied based on the selected mapping.

Supported columns

Here is the complete list of columns that our app supports:

  • Name
  • Text
  • Numbers
  • People
  • Status
  • Date
  • Dropdown
  • LongText
  • Email
  • Link
  • Checkbox
  • Timeline

Columns that are not supported

Smart Templates does not support the following columns:

  • BoardRelation
  • Dependency
  • Subtasks
  • Button
  • ColorPicker
  • CreationLog
  • Formula
  • ItemId
  • LastUpdated
  • Mirror
  • TimeTracking
  • Vote
  • AutoNumber
  • Progress

NOTE: Any columns that are not specifically mentioned in this article might not have proper UI elements.

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