When … create item from (template name) in (group)

For trigger (When this happen) you can select any option available in the list that meets your requirements:

  • Status change
  • Date arrives
  • Person assigned
  • Item moved to group
  • Date has passed
  • Item created
  • Item name changed
  • Column changes
  • Item moved to board
  1. Access custom automations
    1. Click on “Automate” button located on the upper right of your workspace

  1. Click on "Create Custom Automation"

  1. Choose a trigger
  2. Pick an action
    1. Start typing “create item” for the action “Then do this” - Smart Templates app custom value should appear in the list. Select it

b. Select needed template from the list for the “template name” field (Note: Template should be saved in advance before creating automation rule). 

c. Select needed group from the list for the “group” field

  1. Add the automation to your board
    1. Click “Create Automation” button

You’re done. The automation will be turned on by default.

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